1. Carole said:

    I have also just been through the process and my experience entirely accords with yours. I have had rheumatoid arthritis since 1981 and it is no going to go away. I am a positive person who, like you, gets on with life and doesn’t dwell on what I can’t do. But this process forced me to explain what I can’t do and why I can’t do it and I found this depressing. I used to receive lower rate care and high rate mobility from DLA and was awarded enhanced daily living and standard mobility on the basis I can walk between 20 and 50 metres which is the case. Luckily I won’t lose a mobility car as I have never opted for that and have purchased my own vehicle. But I know others who are really worried about losing their car. This whole process has definitely cost a lot of money and for what end?

    July 17, 2017
    • TheViewFromDownHere said:

      Thanks Carole. It doesn’t quite make sense does it, and definitely doesn’t seem to worth the money they are spending on it or the paper they are wasting! Glad to hear your application was successful x

      July 17, 2017
  2. David allan said:

    What a great read. I assume I will be going through the same thing in January or February as mine is up for renewal. I know nothing of the 1st pip application as I was so ill. However, I am beginning to worry now. Yes I agree that there are far too many horror stories around the assessment. Fingers crossed, onwards and upwards.


    July 17, 2017
    • TheViewFromDownHere said:

      Thanks David. If I’ve learnt anything from the process, the more evidence and preparation you are able to do the better. Don’t assume anything and give them three pieces of evidence for every point you want to make to ensure they can’t argue against it. There are a lot of horror stories out there but that isn’t everyone. All you can do it be yourself and explain in all the detail you can how you are affected by your impairments. Fingers crossed and lots of luck x

      July 17, 2017
  3. Cherry said:

    Thank you Sam. This needs to be read. You have been invaded and abused. The disempowerment and degradation endured by those subject to PIP investigations seem to echo to the experience of those applying for visas to allow mixed-race fanilies, like mine, to live in the same home. I am very angry. All love. Cherry

    August 18, 2017

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